Wasa Crispbread

Friday, August 17, 2012

How To Get Your Ex Girlfriend Back? The Shocking Truth Exposed

There's a very good chance that if you've been trying to get your ex girlfriend back everything you've tried so far has failed. And do you know why? Your approach is seriously flawed. The fact that you're reading this article is proof of that.

However, that's about to change. In the next two minutes you're going discover the most closely-guarded secret of relationship repair. Once you know it and understand why it works, Wasa crispbread you'll be able to change the direction your relationship is headed in... practically overnight.

Your first step is to read this article in its entirety. Not only that, but you must read it with an open mind. By the time you've reached the end you'll know exactly what to do in order to get this girl back - and it goes against every piece of advice you've been given.

So, let's begin...

Take a moment to think about what your girlfriend is telling you: she doesn't want you in her life anymore. In other words, she's rejecting you. However, like most girls do after a breakup, your ex has probably insisted you remain friends.

Now let me ask you this: by remaining friends with your ex girlfriend and giving her what she wants... what's in it for you? What do you get out of this arrangement? If you haven't figured it out by now, the only thing you're getting is the short end of the stick. She's using you to cushion the fall of the breakup while you're left hanging out to dry.

So, I'll ask you again: do you want to get your ex girlfriend back? If the answer is an unequivocal "yes" then keep reading because the secret to getting her back lies before you.

Instead of giving her what she wants... give her what she asked for. She asked you to get out of her life? So be it, pack up and go. And if you're thinking that getting her back by using this approach won't work - think again.

You see, even though your girlfriend has rejected you and resisted any and all attempts to get back together, she enjoys the attention she's receiving from you. That's because she's also feeling the pain of the breakup and needs someone to soften the blow.

Now what do you think would happen if you take that away from one moment to the next? She'd start taking steps towards you to get back together, that's what.

It isn't rocket science: we always want what we can't have. And by making yourself overly available to her you've weakened the deep-rooted psychological drive that draws her (and everyone else) towards the unattainable.

"This probably won't work in my particular situation" you ask? Try it first - then come to your own conclusions. Obviously what you've attempted so far has failed miserably. What makes you think that doing the same things over and over again will get you different results? They won't - it's time to turn this breakup around.

So stop doing what your emotions are telling you to do: constantly contact her, be with her, tell her how much you love her, and that you can't be without her. The only thing this will accomplish is help her to heal and move on to some other guy.

Instead, if you want to get your ex girlfriend back start by doing the things you should be doing, but aren't, because your emotions are getting in the way. Once you do this you'll be pleasantly surprised to discover how foolish your approach has been and the endless possibilities that lie before you with this girl.

Dr. Karanastasis is recognized as the leading expert on men's relationship repair and creator of the first-of-its-kind course, "How To Get Her Back For Good - A Shortcut Strategy For Getting Your Girlfriend Back Without Using Tricks, Tactics, or Manipulating Mind-Games" based on the successful consultations of over 1,200 men in a wide variety of breakup situations.

Want to know how you can get your ex girlfriend back faster than you ever dreamed possible? Sign up to receive my free report and newsletter packed with valuable tips to turn your breakup into nothing more than a stepping stone to a stronger relationship at: http://www.getyourexgirlfriendback.com/report/index.php

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